Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Which Saved By The Bell Character Are You?

Fun quiz.

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

Saturday, May 06, 2006

...Two Months Later

Work blows. But the money is good, so that's why I stick around.

So it's been a while, hasn't it? Not that anyone reads this, but it's still nice to think so. I've officially been working my ass off lately, bulldozing. How wild is that? I know how to run heavy machinery! Though the downside to that, is that I haven't got time to do anything after work. I get up at 5am every day to drive an hour and a half to be in time for work. Then I work all day long, get off at 6pm (5pm on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday though.) then make the long drive back home in time for a shower, food, the occassional game of Battlefield 2 or GTA: San Andreas, and sleep. It's a bit of a raw deal for me, one who likes to lounge around and play guitar. But the money is good, so I stick around to work it.

I've been playing a lot of Cat Stevens songs lately. They're really fun to play, and Cat is an amazing musician. And yesterday, while sick with the flu, I decided to cover "Where Do The Children Play." It's on the Myspace page right now, so CHECK IT OUT. Don't forget to leave a sweet comment or two. Anywho, I'm going to go crawl up into a ball and sleep now, maybe. I don't know. Take it easy cats and kittens.