Friday, September 22, 2006

In the light of uncertainty...

I become creative!

Yeah, so I decided to record a half-written song I wrote a little ways back. Kind of a protest song-ish type of thing. So I named it as such. You can check it out here if you like.

I've noticed something about my songs when I write them. I found a reccurring theme about them. They're all about apathy. Although, like my buddy JD always says, "write about what ya know." Or something to that effect... I can't remember quite exactly how he said it, but that's the jist of it. And boy, oh boy, do I know about some apathy! And I watch the news too. So that kind got in there a bit. I think I should add more to it, and I probably will. But I haven't recorded music in so long, that I just felt obligated to put something up there, ya know?

But you should definitely check it out. And if you're reading this and I don't know you, and you have myspace, you should send me a friend request! I never turn anyone down, unless you're... Well, nobody... I don't think I've turned one down yet! Anyway. Later on peoples.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Never Get Your Hopes Up.

So, this whole making it somewhere with music shit has pretty much been a waste of time. Everything was going great though, for a while anyway. Went to band practice today, and Ryan says, "Hey, I'm moving to Indiana in December so I'm gonna have to quit the band then!"

...Wonderfuckingful news...

Right now, I don't even feel like being in a band. I'm so discouraged with this crap. If I never get called to jam again, I wouldn't even care. Part of me knew this was coming though, so I shouldn't have been too surprised by it. Well, at least Don is still in it with me. He also shares my discouragement in the situation.

I thought that once we became a trio, weeded out all of the riff raff, we'd be off to Rock N Roll heaven in no time. There was gonna be nothing stopping us! We've got good music, commradery, and all that good stuff. Or at least I thought so. I was stoked about the fact that it was just going to be the three of us, Don, Ryan and I. And now another one is bailing on us like others have done before. It's retarded... But yeah, as of this writing, if I never play music in a full band again, it wouldn't bother me one bit. My heart was always in acoustic music since I moved here from Canada anyhow. But I was really starting to enjoy the whole "band" thing. I enjoyed feeding off of the energy my bandmates put out, and now that's in serious jeopardy... I hate this... Why can't people who are dedicated to playing music cross my path?

I think I'm going to go drown my sorrows in Orange pop and Aqua Teen Hunger Force... Maybe MacGyver...