The night the decrepit old douche left town!
Man, lemme tell you, writing songs under a deadline is HARD WORK. I'm wracking (I don't think that's how it's spelled.) my brain trying to write something for this really good song that Don and I wrote for the band, and it's becoming very difficult. I don't want to write anything about girls, because I don't have a whole lot to go on in that department outside of some flings here and there. And quite frankly, that stuff is TOTALLY played out. Songs about being downtrodden, then standing up for yourself are played out too... I should know, I've written like, two of those already!
That's just it, songwriting in general is played out. I wish I was a technical enough guitarist that I could just solo through an entire song and call myself a "Virtuoso" like Steve Vai and the like. But no, I'm mediocre, and I'm cool with that. It's just sometimes I'd really love to flash my way through EVERYTHING music. Though all the flash in the world doesn't equal beans when you're struggling to write words. ARRRRRRGH!!!
So, about the title...
It's Lee's last night in Wilson before he leaves to mooch off of his uncle at the beach. He used to play in the band, and he sucked. He thought he was a lead guitar player, and could play these really great solos, but he couldn't. All he did was try to drown Don and I out with his repetitive cat-strangling sounds. One time he came to practice smelling like piss... And to quote Dane Cook; "He didn't smell like just a pint of piss, it was like he was dipped in a VAT of piss! It was like he woke up in the morning and said, "Yeah! Bring on the piss!" It was absolutely disgusting. He stunk out Ryan's house too. The worst of it was, was I was rocking out while we were jamming, and I caught a whiff of stink off of him. It was mortifying! I literally stopped playing, it was so bad.
But the stinky little shit is leaving town, hopefully for good! So to commemorate it, here's a picture of him on the crapper!

So. Funny. You're mean.
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